Special Grow Group this Sunday

December 15, 2020

Was there a drummer boy at the birth of Jesus? And how did he know where to go? This Sunday morning learn the answer to this and other questions regarding our Christ Savior's birth at a special session of the Sunday morning Grow Group. This Sunday Bill Mellin will be hosting, both in person and online, a review of the facts and fiction surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. In this interactive session we all will be validating those long held beliefs we hold dear.
Fellowship starts at 8:45 and the session begins promptly at 9. It will be both in person in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom. If you would like to provide some breakfast treats, please do so.
Hope to see you there.
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Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM

Somerset Hills Baptist Church
510 Mount Airy Road | Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
(908) 647-7090