Stephen Ministry Training Starting
January 7, 2020 | Ted Harvey
First SHBC Stephen Minister Training Class Begins this Week
Stephen Ministry training combines sound theological principles with contemporary psychology. The skills our Stephen Ministers learn, and practice prepare them to provide a very high level of Christian care-giving. The training is intense because it explores some serious life issues, but it is also a growth-producing and enjoyable experience.
Stephen Ministry training is broken down into twenty sessions that will be held on Sunday afternoons starting at 4PM. Among the training topics are:
*Feelings: Yours, Mine, and Ours
*The Art of Listening
*Distinctively Christian Caring
*Assertiveness: Relating Gently and Firmly
*Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief
*Caring for People before, during, and after Hospitalization
Please pray that through Stephen Ministry, we have an opportunity to share Jesus’s love with those who are facing a hardship or crisis. People whose needs might otherwise slip through the cracks may now have an opportunity to come face to face with Jesus’ love through their Stephen Minister.
Please lift-up the Stephen Ministry Grow Group in your prayers over the coming months and watch for regular training class updates in the weekly newsletter and Sunday Bulletin.